Purchasing Information for Inspect
Inspect requires Macromedia Director version 5.0.1 for Macintosh or Windows. Highly recommended is the FileIO XtraTM which is freely available from Macromedia at
www.macromedia.com. If Inspect is run without this XtraTM, preferences are not saved and a license agreement is presented in every session.
A single-user license to use Inspect on both Macintosh and Windows is $99.00.
It is available for order by fax or phone, with delivery by email (free shipping and handling) or UPS (In US, add $15.00 for shipping & handling, outside US, call for pricing). If you have questions about ordering, you can call the number below
or send email to sales@codeHorse.com. All prices are in US Dollars.
Xtra is a trademark and Authorware and Director are registered trademarks of Macromedia, Inc.