Inspect Xtra(TM)

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I use Inspect without putting it in the Xtras

Answer: Yes.  You can invoke Inspect through Lingo by
opening it as a movie-in-a-window.  The following code will
invoke Inspect with an optional argument.  If Inspect.Dxr is
not in the current folder, then you will want to modify the
line that uses the pathname and replace it with the path you

  on inspect x
    set wl = the windowList
    set present = false
    set wind = 0
    -- first check if Inspect is already open
    repeat with wind in wl
      if the name of wind contains "Inspect" then
        set present = true
        set the visible of wind = true
      end if
    end repeat
    if not present then
      set wind = window "Inspect"
      set path = the pathname & "Inspect.Dxr" -- change this line for another path
      set the fileName of wind = path
      set the visible of wind = true
    end if
    tell wind to put x into field 1

Question: Can Inspect be used from a projector?

Answer: Yes, but you will need to invoke it through Lingo
since the Xtras menu is not available from a projector. 
Include the above code in your projector and then add a line
to call "inspect".

Question:  Can Inspect be used to examine protected movies?

Answer:  Usually, but not if all the movies are included in
a projector.  In order to use Inspect from a projector you
have to be able to invoke it through Lingo.  If the
projector goes to a movie that is not included in the
projector, and if you can determine which frame in the movie
it goes to, you can create a dummy movie by the same name
which invokes Inspect and then goes on to the correct movie. 
Once Inspect is opened, you can use it to examine the
active movie and any castlibs linked to it.

Question:  Can Inspect examine the code from protected

Answer: Inspect can not examine the scriptText from
protected movies and castLibs.  It can, however, examine the
names of any properties used in any of the scripts, even if
they are protected.

Question:  Can Inspect be invoked from the message window?

Answer:  Absolutely.  You can even invoke Inspect from the 
message window and then use the message window to go to other 